7am on Sunday Morning.

7am Sunday Morning, I want to, No, I have to have you

When it quiets downs and everything turns blurry,

I crave your taste on my tongue. A sweetness so savoury, I feel it nourishing to my soul.

In your scent, I bathe myself of all past pain

With every touch, my soul melts softly into yours and I remain there forever still

I crave the sound of your voice guiding me to a tranquility my soul has never known.

I stare at you, unable to fathom how breathtaking you still look to me at 7am on a Sunday morning. No signs of the sweat of the night where we danced our pain away.

I could do without the crazy night but I couldn’t live without the feeling you give me at 7am on Sunday morning

When my soul has been stripped of all it’s burdens and all that remains is a blank slate covered with the chemical euphoria of hope and warmth

Watching the sun rise peaceful while we float deep into our dreams – seeing vividly that day when everyday feels like 7am on Sunday morning with you.

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